Your child has had a dental extraction and/or surgery. We would like you to follow these instructions for your child:

  • Bleeding has stopped and a clot has formed in the area of the extraction. Have your child continue to bite on the small gauze pad placed in their mouth for one hour. There may be some continued oozing from the area. Your child can also bite on a tea bag, as this is a natural clot promoting remedy.
  • Supervise and remind your child that they should not spit because it will disturb and remove the clot and promote bleeding again.
  • Supervise your child so that no eating occurs for up to two hours after surgery. Sipping liquids without the use of a straw can be done gradually. Drinking liquids should be encouraged. When your child is ready to eat, mild-temperature soft foods can be given the rest of the day. Milkshakes, yogurt, smoothies, etc., are preferable. The day after surgery a soft diet should be given. A regular diet can be resumed two days after surgery.
  • Over-the-counter, aspirin-free pain relief medications can be given according to product label directions. If your child’s discomfort continues, please call our office.
  • In the unlikely event of clot disturbance and/or continued and prolonged bleeding, have your child bite on cotton gauze or a tea bag and call our office.
  • Do not have your child brush in the area of the surgery. Instead have your child wipe the area with disposable gauze until healing has occurred. If there are signs or symptoms of a suspected infection such as increased swelling, fever, and/or prolonged and significant pain, please call our office.
  • Antibiotics are not routinely prescribed after surgery. However, if the doctor has prescribed these, please have the prescription filled and start the course of the prescribed treatment as soon as possible. Do not interrupt or discontinue the use of the antibiotics. Follow the directions on the prescription. If you have any questions, please call our office.
  • Your child may have swallowed some blood. Their stomach may become irritated, leading to nausea and vomiting. If this occurs, continue to give your child liquids as tolerated. The nausea and vomiting should not last too long.
  • Please call our office if you have any questions or concerns about your childs surgery.