After a tooth extraction, it is normal to experience soreness for a day or two following treatment. Carefully follow all instructions to achieve the best results and speed healing.
DO NOT RINSE mouth vigorously for 24 hours. It is important for the blood clot to form and remain stable.
KEEP FINGERS AND TONGUE away from the extraction site.
BLEEDING following a tooth extraction is to be expected. If unusually heavy, place a gauze pad firmly over the site of the extraction, and bite down or hold in place with pressure for 20 minutes.
SWELLING may start after a tooth has been removed, but is no cause for alarm. Use a bag or towel filled with ice against the affected area for 5 minutes on and off for an hour.
LIGHT or LIQUID DIET is suggested for 24 hours.
DO NOT SMOKE, SPIT, or DRINK WITH A STRAW for at least 24 hours.
NEXT DAY rinse your mouth with 1 teaspoon of salt in an 8 ounce glass of warm water after meals. Repeat for the next 2-3 days.
BONY EDGES OR HARD PROJECTIONS may be felt in the mouth and be mistaken for roots. This is usually the hard, bony partition that surrounds the roots of the teeth. These will generally break away or work themselves out over time.
If antibiotics are prescribed, take the full dosage and finish the medication even though symptoms have disappeared.
In the event of any unusual symptoms, please CALL the office.