Your child’s mouth will be numb for about 1-2 hours following the procedure. Many children don’t understand this feeling and may respond by sucking, biting, or scratching the cheek or lip area.

Please monitor your child closely so that they don’t bite his/her lip, cheek, or tongue before the feeling returns to these areas.

Some children respond very strongly to the tingly sensation that occurs as the local anesthetic wears off. They may cry and say their moth hurts. The best approach if this occurs is to try to calm your child and recognize that this is a reaction to an unknown feeling.

Do not allow your child to travel unrestrained on the way home. Have an adult sit close to watch your child’s head position to assure an open airway. The head needs to be tipped back or to the side, NOT forward.

Your child may remain sleepy for some time after the appointment. If your child wants to sleep, place him/her on their side with the chin up.

Even is your child doesn’t sleep they will be very drowsy. If your child is moving around keep them away from potential harm (stairways, streets, etc.).

If your child is active and resistant to treatment, it may be necessary to refer your child to a pediatric dentist or consider treatment in a hospital setting.

At first, it is best to give your child sips of clear liquids to prevent nausea. Drinking liquids is also important to help prevent dehydration. The first meal should be light, non-greasy, and easily digestible.

Upset stomach or vomiting is rare, but can occur. If your child does vomit, help them turn over or turn their head to the side to insure your child does not choke.

Should any situations arise, please call our office immediately at 229-377-6125.