What is Sedation Dentistry?
Oral sedation is offered to the anxious, the fearful, or the very young patient. It is a management technique that uses medication to assist the patient to cope with fear and anxiety. Sedation Dentistry procedures produce a retrograde amnesiac effect which provides a safe and comfortable experience for patients to get the care they need and want. Patients may benefit from the relaxing effect of sedation during an otherwise difficult appointment, allowing them a more pleasant experience.
Dr. Greenberg, a trained Oral Conscious Sedation dentist, will customize the protocols to each patients anxiety level and medical history. This allows the patient an incredibly comfortable, relaxing and safe experience.
Is Oral Conscious Sedation right for you?
Sedation dentistry is usually ideal for patients who have the following:Anxiety associated with dental visits, Suffer from acute or chronic jaw soreness, A strong gag reflex, Difficulty getting numb, Physical limitations such as back or neck soreness.
What about drug interactions?
Sedation medications are chosen by Dr. Greenberg Based on an individuals medical history and any possible drug interactions that may occur with current medications, even herbal and nutritional supplements.
What are some side effects?
Retrograde amnesia, dry mouth, and hiccups.
Reasons for sedation
We have recommended sedation for your childs safety and comfort during dental procedures. Sedation also increases cooperation and reduces anxiety.
Medical Clearance and Scheduling
It is necessary to receive a written medical approval from your childs physician before scheduling the oral sedation appointment.
What can you expect?
Just prior to your dental treatment, we will confirm you have not had anything to eat or drink for at least 6 hours and that you have someone present to care for you after treatment (driving is prohibited while under the influence of sedation medication). We will then give you sedation medication. You will gently fall asleep although we can easily rouse you out of slumber if we need to. You will be comfortable during your entire procedure and have very little memory of the appointment. After treatment is completed, we assist you in to a wheelchair and help you out to your car. Post operative instructions are carefully reviewed with your care-giver.
May I accompany my child?
During sedation dental treatment, parents are to remain in the waiting area. This allows us to give your child 100% of our undivided attention.
Medications/Monitoring equipment
Your child will be closely monitored with medical equipment during the sedation appointment.
Various medications can be used to sedate a child; medicines will be selected based upon your childs overall health, level of anxiety, and dental treatment recommendations. One of more of the following medications may be used:
- Versed – an antianxiety and sedative affect, for short amount of treatment
- Triazolam – anitanxiety and sedative affect
- Hydroxyzine – antianxiety and antinausea effect
Will my child sleep or will my child cry?
Most children become relaxed and/or drowsy and may drift into a light sleep from which they can be aroused easy. Unlike general anesthesia, sedation is not intended to make a patient unconscious or unresponsive. Some children may not experience relaxation but an opposite reaction such as agitation or crying.
Complications are rare but there are risks associated with any sedation procedure. The possible risks are damage to vital organs, such as the brain, heart, lung, liver and kidney, and that in some cases may result in paralysis, cardiac arrest and/or death.
Sedation Appointment Commitment
We have reserved a particular time, extra team members, a private room and special monitoring equipment for your childs treatment. Please be on time. If you cannot keep your appointment, call us at least 48 hours in advance.
Our sedation appointments are in high demand and are limited in availability. We take scheduling these appointments very seriously and expect that parents who choose to schedule these appointments do the same. We reserve the right to not reschedule your child for a sedation appointment if you miss or cancel without 72 hours notification.