The sedative medications administered today during your/the patients procedure may have residual effects for up to 24 hours. Examples may include continued drowsiness, dizziness, difficulty with balance and coordination, impaired judgment, and short term memory problems. Since these changes may not be easily recognizable, no activities should be undertaken that requires you (or the patient) best effort. For your/the patient’s safety, it is important that you adhere to the following instructions constructed around the common letter D:

  • Do not DRIVE any form of motorized equipment. This includes cars, trucks, yard tractors, golf carts, motorcycles, mopeds, etc.
  • Do not DRINK alcohol. Its effects are additive with these sedative medications.
  • Do not use DANGEROUS machinery or equipment (stove, lawnmower, chain saw, etc. for adults; bicycles, swing sets, etc. for children).
  • Make no important DECISIONS since judgment and memory are impaired.
  • Watch out for DIZZINESS, especially when changing positions. Move slowly and take your time.
  • Resume normal DIET as tolerated upon return of appetite. If queasy, avoid becoming DEHYDRATED by frequently drinking small amounts of uncarbonated clear liquids (tea, orange or apple juice, clear broth, Gatorade, etc. for adults; any of these or Pedialyte for children). Progress to bland soup, toast, or crackers next, then try resuming a normal diet again.
  • Ask your doctor about resuming prescription and nonprescription DRUGS you were taking prior to the procedure.
  • DISCUSS any questions you may have with your doctor prior to leaving today.

If you experience problems with breathing or severe bleeding proceed immediately to the Emergency Room of your nearest hospital.