Here at Mya Greenberg, DMD, we are dedicated to providing safe dental care and a safe working environment.
One of the most serious issues facing the dental industry is the transmission of infection. Because of this, our entire team follows procedures recommended by federal agencies such as the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and maintains our compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
Practicing universal precautions and infection-control procedures protect you, the patient, as well as the dentist and the staff. We take this issue very seriously and want you to be comfortable knowing that you are getting excellent care and protection when in our office.
You can expect all of our staff members to utilize or do the following:
- Gloves and face masks
- Disinfectant hand soap
- Disposable materials whenever possible
- Sterilization of all equipment before every use
- Chemical disinfection of all surfaces and countertops
All of our reusable equipment, including the handpieces used chair-side, is sterilized. We use a device called an autoclave that uses steam and heat to kill bacteria and viruses.
You can be confident in your care and safety when visiting our office. We welcome conversation and questions regarding infection control and safety precautions.
If you would like to discuss or have any questions about infection control, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (229) 377-6125.